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Secret Sorrow,the end of my life

P R O F e ss o r
aik aka baka_nEko
Minorita Shinobu
10 posters

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26Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:24 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

sial,latian astramatika jadi arena debat mempertaruhkan angka.
pas serius2nya latian,temen wa pada berantem,wa penasaran makanya wa datengin.

mereka lagi debat soal log.

X : salah! itu jawabnya log 568!!!
Y : salah tau! yang bener log 690!!!

hampir 5 menit mereka debat gak jelas,sampe akhirnya wa datengin trus ngomong

gue : SEMUANYA SALAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YANG BENER TUH JWBNYA 11!!!!!!!!!!!

gue tinggalin deh mereka yang akhirnya bengong ke guwe


27Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:37 pm


8th Grade Student
8th Grade Student

emang soalny apa? Kok sei lgsg jwab 11?
ngasal at mang dah afal?


28Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:49 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

karna udah ngitung kak ^^

soalnya susah


29Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:20 pm


8th Grade Student
8th Grade Student

tunggu... aneh deh.
mreka njawabnya ratusan. kmu njawabnya belasan.
agak aneh jga....
jauh bgt lho.


30Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:41 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

@^ : hehe,mereka lupa satu step lagi,sebenrnya. aku dah tanya ma gurunya,

jawabannya aku bener.

ni mimpi aneh wa

beberapa hari yang lalu wa mimpi tentang kucing piaraan wa,,melli-kun dia berubah menjadi mariah carrey dari suara,rambut ampe body-nya juga miriipp!! tapi sayang dia punya ekor..dia shock liat wa dan bilang kyk gini :
melli-kun : "lho..mengapa anda aadaa di sini,majikan?"
wa nanya balik ke dia : "lu ndiri?"
dia bls : "mau nerima penghargaan dong" pede banget.
wa bls : "penghargaan aja kok pede banget"
dia sewot : "terserah gue dong"
wa bls : "pulang lu! ntar kalo lu gak pulang bakal digebugin ama bosmu"
dia bls : " AMPPUUNNN"
akhirnya dia dijemput ama ayah wa dan digebugin

setelah itu wa terbangun sambil bilang
"mimpi apa yah barusan?" wa tidur lagi


31Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:46 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

OOC : dobel post


hari ini..

latian astramatika,seru karena debatnya pake bahasa inggris.

perjalanan debat begitu panas,menantang,dan

going crazy

karena yang debat bukan cuma muridnya,gurunya pun juga ikutan debat!!!!!!!!


32Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:06 pm


8th Grade Student
8th Grade Student

yg mmpi:
lbh srem dr pd mimpi hantu ato mimpi yg nyeremin.

yg debat:
debat tntang apa??


33Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:03 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

huakakakakakkakaakka xD gulingguling gulingguling


chatting ama abang patchy,wa dikiraa suka ama CEWEK??!!! gulingguling gulingguling

ya tuhan,semaleman oL ngapain aja,bang???

hehehe,,lom lagi curhat ma bang dikung di gmail ^^''

TOTALLY NGAKAK GULING-GULING gulingguling gulingguling

bukannya waras,malah GILA gulingguling gulingguling


Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Antara Aku,Kau,dan Pelanggan yang salah kira

pernah suatu hari gue jalan2 ke makro buat nemenin ortu belanja,gue pada saat itu sedang bermood yang bisa dikatakan "sangat gembira" nurut2 aja pas ngikut.

asal para pembaca budiman tau,kalo makro tempat yang gue kunjungi ini adalah gudangnya barang,entah berapa kapling yang diambil ama makro buat dijadiin tempat perbelanjaan,dan the worst,makro itu PENGAP!

gila aja,pas masuk,pulang keringetan.

ok,back to the story.

nah,gue pada saat itu dengan sangat tidak berdosanya memakai baju warna merah. eits! jangan mikir kalo gue adalah seorang matador,tapi karena tiap sabtu gue make kaos self development dan warnanya merah.

selama hampir tiga jam (iye tiga jam) gue muter2 sambil bawa troli menyusuri setiap langkah nyokap gue yang suka belanja itu,kadang gue heran juga,kenapa para ibu2 suka banget belanja ketimbang para bapak2?


dan seling itu juga,karena kaki gue udah ngamuk2 minta duduk,ok. gue duduk.

dan parahnya..

"Mbak,hmm..tempat yang nyedian coklat dimana yah mbak?" pas itu yang nanya pemuda-pemudi yang seragam pake baju item2,

dalam hati gue bilang,"ini orang mo beli coklat buat valentine ato buat temennya yang mati?"

disangka melamun,gue dibilangin lagi,


"Eh iya,wah saya gak tau tuh mas! soalnya saya bukan karyawan sini mas,saya pengunjung disini"

tuh orang kaget bentar.

"Wah saya salah orang toh,maap yah mbak!"



35Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:02 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Tears flowed from my shut eyes
The fragments of reason and blood are repeatedly eaten away at

In the rift between our two entwined chests
You only desire this parched body of mine

With tainted fingertips, I pour into the night
Prying you open until you're in shreds
Within a light slumber, my torn thoughts creak
If only I could erase everything right now

While being beaten upon by the incessantly pouring rain
I bored my nails deeply into your back that I cling onto

As if obstructing someone's touched dream from continuing
My heart was closed off

With tainted fingertips, we embraced each other many times
Reeling you in aimlessly
My faint memories still blot through my remaining wounds
Even if everything that I gained is a mistake

With the power that awakes every time when I lose it

These tainted wings pour into the night
Prying you open until you're in shreds
Within a light slumber, my torn thoughts creak
If only I could erase everything right now


36Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:29 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

chapter : soal= bikin pinter ato bikin gila?

gila,uji coba pra-UN kali ini berakhir dengan sukses dan juga bkin gue jadi gila. (uji coba belum selesai,sayangs..)

masalhnya,ini dia

1. TDS kaltim dengan TDS kota Balikpapan,ga da selisih minggu,yang ada selisih hari.
2. Tutorial semakin gencar dilakukan setelah TDS supaya anak2 ngerti dengan maksimal (masih waras dikit,gue waktu itu)
3. Guru2 pada semangat banget ngasih soal ke muridnya,entah deh perasaan muridnya gimana.
4. Tiap pulang skul,gue disuruh belajar ampe jem 10 (boro2 buka belajar,buka buku aja kagak)
5. Walas gue sendiri,pas ari senin nanya,"Udah belajar?" dalam hati,"Kampret,gue belom belajar" tapi yang keluar dari mulut beda sama hati.

Diantara kelima alasan yang udah gue bilang,gue udah ga bisa diperhtungkan lagi,entah berapa map yang kepenuhan gara2 nampung soal,entah udah berapa ratus soal yang gue kerjain.

Akhirnya,sampe pada hari selasa tadi,gue jadi gila beneran gara2 soal.

Gue udah ga bisa mikir lagi,udah kena brainstorm (sialan)

Dan sekaarng jadi tambah stress gara2 denger issue :


Kampret,dikira ngerjain 50 soal itu gampang apa ya?

Emang sih,di soal paket A itu hampir semua nomor ada jawabannya (yang bener semua,lagi!)
Tapi kan,gue sebagai anak yang gak begitu percaya dengan jawaban yang tertera gak terima (karena gue yakin sama insting gue sendiri)

Temen gue ada yang bilang,"Gila,masa diulang sih?! Yang bener aja?!"

Gue nyahut,"Yah..mo gimana lagi? Nasib kali"



37Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:32 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Re-test : English


Kali ini,setelah uji coba IPA selese,gue ditarik kayak kambing ke ruangan KTK.


Yah,gue harus mengalami mutasi yang amat sangat gue benci,


Gue kira,tuh guru becanda aja,gak taunya


dalam hati gue bilang,"Buset,gue belom belajar buu!!"

Akhirnya,dengan wajah suntuk,gue masuk kelas dengan perasaan dongkol.

Ditanya sama anak2..

"Kenapa lo? Sakit jiwa?"

gue bialng,"Elo yang sakit jiwa!" dongkol.gue langsung ambil posisi deket pintu,

dan sempet terlintas dibenak gue seperti ini:

"mudah2an ada kue dorayaki dari doraemon yang bisa bikin gue jadi pinter" tapi,ternyata,itu cuma mimpi.

well,sebenernya nilai gue tetep baek2 aja walo gue gak belajar atopun belajar,bukan bermaksud menyombongkan diri,tetapi entah kenapa,nilai bahasa inggris gue selalu tinggi.

ternyata,setelah ujian dilaksanakan,gue jadi merinding sendiri.

GILA! Ujiannya susah bet!!

asem,untung aja selesenya cuma 1 jam^^


tinggal nunggu hasil


38Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:50 am


8th Grade Student
8th Grade Student

semoga nilainya bagus yak^^


39Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:17 am

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Fragments :

One by one, I join together and draw the mosaic fragments
And also the encounters and partings that you gave me

“It shouldn’t be like this,” I sleep while thinking so
And when I wake up, my usual, unchanging, and fruitless efforts
Meaninglessly repeat

The “method for living well” that I’d gathered up in mosaic fragments
It was distorted but seemed beautiful
While I bluff, while I stumble on the road that I’ve chosen to stick to until the end
The fragments peel off and fall, but they won’t be buried

In the world that laid out the respective willpowers
Even though there should be something that I can’t surrender to anyone
I’m worrying about the coloring

While I was enchanted by the various colors and shapes of the mosaic fragments
I desired too much for the “extremity of youth”
In the crevice of my heart, I believe in the cement of love and it pours in
On the fragments that won’t ever meld together

Because the contrast is beautiful, it’s fine if it’s uneven on the contrary
Somehow, without waiting for my turn, I’ll find the answer to becoming myself

The mosaic fragments vividly reflect the lies and mistakes of my past
The more I think about them, the more I want to erase them
If they repeat, then I still won’t advance from the starting line there
I’ll try gathering up dreams again
One by one, I join together and draw the mosaic fragments
And also the encounters and partings that you gave me


40Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:23 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

hari ini menggila.

yg benr aja? aku disuruh ngajar tutor sebaya.

pelajarannya? oho,jangan salah. gue disuruh ngajar :


gila,masih mending kalo yang diajarin ngerti,lah ini? sampe mulut gue berbusa dengan suksesnya aja gak ngerti2!

ampun deh,untung aja. si "dia" ngomong gini,"Sabar,sei. Gue juga susah ngajarin mereka,tapi hadapi it semua dengan senyuman" lalu dia pergi ngajar Indonesia.

gue cuma bisa senyum aja ke "dia"


41Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:05 am

aik aka baka_nEko

aik aka baka_nEko
9th Grade Student
9th Grade Student

keren truz g ngertri udah lah
otak mreka lolot euy

42Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:35 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

well..gue tadi sempet2nya ikut test dari nama tersembunyi gue

tau hasilnya?

You Are Empathetic and Caring

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

sumpah,gue kaget juga pas baca ni. tapi hampir semuanya bener sih


43Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:31 am

aik aka baka_nEko

aik aka baka_nEko
9th Grade Student
9th Grade Student

banget spa yg ngirim?

44Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:59 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

gue liat,dan gue sadar atas apa yang gue lakuin

gue ga punya perasaan

gue tega sama orang yang sayang bgt ma gue.

aneh juga,seorang Farah Clara Shinta Rachmady bisa melakukan hal seperti itu.

ngomong2 soal tuh cowok,

gue udah ga perduli. toh sekarang bagi anak2 kelas 3 smp,ini musim menentukan.

dan musim putus,lah gue?

gue udah dari bulan januari putus,hbis HTS sihh

skrg gue lagi chatting,ngeblog,smsan sama tmen2





45Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:06 pm


High Teacher
High Teacher

kangen ma sapa ?
ma orang yng ktemu ma sei malm2 ntu ?~


46Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:35 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

wah? kagak,bukan sama ituuuuu

sma watanuki anak ALC


47Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:39 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Tears flowed from my shut eyes
The fragments of reason and blood are repeatedly eaten away at

In the rift between our two entwined chests
You only desire this parched body of mine

With tainted fingertips, I pour into the night
Prying you open until you're in shreds
Within a light slumber, my torn thoughts creak
If only I could erase everything right now

While being beaten upon by the incessantly pouring rain
I bored my nails deeply into your back that I cling onto

As if obstructing someone's touched dream from continuing
My heart was closed off

With tainted fingertips, we embraced each other many times
Reeling you in aimlessly
My faint memories still blot through my remaining wounds
Even if everything that I gained is a mistake

With the power that awakes every time when I lose it

These tainted wings pour into the night
Prying you open until you're in shreds
Within a light slumber, my torn thoughts creak
If only I could erase everything right now


48Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:40 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Les larmes coulait de mes yeux fermés
Les fragments de la raison et de sang sont à maintes reprises rongé

Dans le fossé entre nos deux coffres mêlé
Vous seul désir de ce corps desséché de la mine

Avec entachée de main, je verse dans la nuit
Indiscrètes vous ouvrir jusqu'à ce que vous êtes en lambeaux
Dans un léger sommeil, mes pensées déchiré grincer
Si seulement je pouvais effacer tout à l'heure actuelle

Tout en étant battu par la pluie cesse
Je s'ennuie profondément mes ongles dans le dos que je s'accrochent sur

Comme si quelqu'un de l'obstacle touché rêve continue
Mon cœur a été fermé

Avec entachée de main, nous avons adopté les uns les autres de nombreuses fois
Reeling vous sans but précis
Mes souvenirs encore faible par l'intermédiaire de mon blot autres blessures
Même si tout ce que j'ai acquise est une erreur

Grâce à la puissance qui se réveille chaque fois que je la perds

Ces entachée ailes pour la nuit
Indiscrètes vous ouvrir jusqu'à ce que vous êtes en lambeaux
Dans un léger sommeil, mes pensées déchiré grincer
Si seulement je pouvais effacer tout à l'heure actuelle


49Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:57 pm

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

Yaoloh,besok UN?

UN!! *gila sendiri* gulingguling gulingguling

gak nyangka,UN didepan matakuuuu~~~ *lebay,digetok*

gue selama ini skul malem,seru juga,skul dari jam 7.15 pulang jem 9 malem. huhu~~~

hulalalalalalalalalala,dan terparah,dijaga guru asing+2 aparat polisi.

capee d! xD

gpp lah,toh kita kan bersaing ^^


50Secret Sorrow,the end of my life - Page 2 Empty Re: Secret Sorrow,the end of my life Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:10 am

Minorita Shinobu

Minorita Shinobu
4th Grade Student
4th Grade Student

UN SELESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE gulingguling *digetok* gulingguling gulingguling

berakhir juga,,tapi besok skul?

kejem amat gulingguling gulingguling


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